Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Boise ReStore in Meridian to Caldwell ReStore - 8 Jul 09

Duff just called. He's in Caldwell, ready to eat dinner. He's had a light day of riding (about 22 miles), but a lengthy day of standing, and talking. Local Fox News in Boise interviewed Duff and others at the ReStore. Two folks from Boise affiliate rode to Caldwell ReStore with Duff. Duff will provide me more information in the morning, as he'd like to recognize some folks who have helped him.
P.S. Thanks Michael for the clarification. I have been the scribe for Duff's blog. Here's the update Duff gave me early this morning. He stayed at the Best Western in Caldwell - great accommodations, and folks very friendly. The two guys who rode with him were Jeff Phelps, the ReStore Manager, and Michael Hobson, a Boise Family Partner. Tom Lay, the Executive Director for the Boise Valley Habitat for Humanity affiliate was helpful, and pleased with the publicity for Habitat. Next stop - Weiser.


  1. Jim! I thought we rode from the Boise ReStore to the Caldwell ReStore!? =)

    Again, thanks for taking on this challenge/adventure to raise awareness for Habitat's mission. It was a pleasure riding with you; an experience which I will look back on more fondly once the sunburn wears off.

    Thanks again for the gloves and safe travels for the rest of your journey!


  2. Many thanks to all who helped welcome Duff and his fellow riders to the Caldwell ReStore on July 8th! WOW country radio station 104.3 FM did a brief interview with Jim, and local volunteers put on a kids "Bike Rodeo" in the parking lot in honor of Jim's endeavor. The Caldwell Police Department sent over two bicycle officers to help at the rodeo and to keep in the spirit of bicycling safely. All of us at Canyon County Habitat admire Duff for taking on this great feat to raise awareness for Habitat and us! We are especially impressed that he is helping Idaho affiliates since he isn't living in Idaho any longer. However, we recognize that his heart and memories of sore muscles and blisters are still with us! Happy trails and thank you, Duff! Marcia Davis, Executive Director, Canyon County Habitat
