Saturday, July 11, 2009

Council to Riggins - 11 July 2009

Left Council at 6:30 a.m. and arrived in Riggins at 7:15 p.m. Fifty-eight miles completed today. Morning started out overcast, but muggy. Was able to ride the first 5 miles, and then the hills appeared. The next 15 miles, he, primarily, walked. He arrived in New Meadows about an hour behind his schedule, 3 p.m., but took lunch. He left New Meadows about 4 p.m. On the way to New Meadows, his bicycle seat was not stable, and he found that he lost a bolt. The kick stand bolt was the same size, and was able to be used to fix the seat. Initially, there was very little shoulder on the road, so he fixed his mirrors to show traffic coming up behind him, and moved off the road to give the drivers as much room as possible. He said he did a lot of huffing and puffing until he got to New Meadows. Thankfully, the air started to cool off, especially when he was near the small streams running off into the Salmon River. He's staying in the River's View Motel, and looking forward to a shower and sleeping on a real bed. Goal for morning is to get to the base of White Bird.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim,
    I hope you've made it up Whitebird by now. The weather in Moscow today is cold and rainy, but I've ordered sunshine and 80 deg. for Wednesday. I plan to meet you in Genesee and try to ride with you to the UI SUB. After that, we have a room for you at the Hillcrest (North end of Moscow). We'll stash your bike there and I'll take you and Max to our place for BBQ with the Palouse HfH board. See you soon!
